Alumni and Careers

Our alumni use their Bowdoin degrees to branch out into many areas, pursuing careers in public service, advocacy, the law, academia, the nonprofit sector, and more.
Alumni Profile of Rohini Kurup, Class of 2020

Rohini Kurup ’20

Major(s): Government and Legal Studies

Minor: History

Location: Washington, DC

Most memorable Government and Legal Studies Class: Shakespeare and Politics

"My classes were interesting and relevant, and the wonderful professors in the department pushed me to think and write in new ways. Through my coursework, and particularly in pursuing an honors project, 我开始理解法律和公共政策的力量,以及我如何利用它们来创造积极的变化."

What have you bee up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

Since graduating, 我曾在布鲁金斯学会担任研究分析师,在那里我是Lawfare的副主编, an online national security legal publication based out of Brookings. 我的工作包括编辑法学教授撰写的法律评论和分析文章, current and former government officials, and other national security practitioners to publish on Lawfare. I also write articles, produce a narrative podcast series, and oversee and curate a library of primary source material related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. After spending the past two years at Lawfare, I’ll soon be starting law school. 

Why Government and Legal Studies?

I entered Bowdoin interested in government, 而是在参加了一年级的研讨会和政府与法律研究系的其他课程之后, and getting to know the faculty, I was certain that I wanted to major in Gov. 我被政府和法律研究所吸引,以此来了解我周围的世界:从民主到战争的一切, law to political behavior, as well as the institutions that shape them. The department at Bowdoin offers great breadth and depth in the field, which allowed me to take an array of classes while concentrating in American Politics. My classes were interesting and relevant, and the wonderful professors in the department pushed me to think and write in new ways. Through my coursework, and particularly in pursuing an honors project, 我开始理解法律和公共政策的力量,以及我如何利用它们来创造积极的变化. 我在买球平台的政府和法律课程帮助我建立了一个词汇来谈论我们面临的挑战和我关心的问题, and they gave me a set of tools to address them.

Victoria (Wirunwan) Pitakton 17'

Victoria (Wirunwan) Pitakton

Class of: 2017

Location: Bangkok, Thailand


What is your current job (position) and what do you do specifically?

我是曼谷城市设计与发展中心的一名研究员(官方称为城市研究员), Thailand. It is a small organization of about fifteen people that deals with urban development, urban planning, and urban governance, and aims to be an agent that connects the public, private, and civil sectors to promote an inclusive urban development.

The organization handles several projects, 但我所在的团队负责推动开放数据项目, co-funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. 因此,我的日常工作是研究开放数据(不受任何限制地披露信息)如何帮助解决数字时代的城市问题,以及治理在城市发展中的作用及其潜在的不平衡脆弱性.

除了研究之外,我还写文章向公众宣传这个项目. 这真的很有趣,因为我不仅每天都能学到东西, I also get to interact with people of various expertise like urban architects, graphic designers, sociologists, etc.

What are your fond memories of the department, including courses or experiences?

There are really so many. 我最美好的记忆之一肯定是劳拉·亨利教授的《买球平台》一书中的讨论,因为我可以了解到其他人在过去所做出的牺牲, and what has been happening through an academic lens. Each person had to write a semester-long paper, 对我来说,每个同学选择做他们的项目是非常迷人的,因为这绝对反映了他们的激情.

另一个美好的回忆是我在埃里卡·阿尔博教授的发展政治学课上的时光. Coming from Thailand, a third world country, 发展这个话题是非常私人的,在上这门课之前,我对这个话题有了所有的愿望和理想. 我认为这绝对给了我一个现实的视角来看待政治是如何发挥作用的. 当然,很难理解即使是最好的善意也会产生意想不到的后果, but I think it was a necessary awakening.

What advice would you have for current Gov majors in thinking about life after Bowdoin?

Do not be afraid to explore different fields, both within the department and outside. 利用文科教育是我做过的最有价值的决定, and I appreciate it even more after Bowdoin. My work involves researching and learning about different fields, and being able to incorporate them has been very valuable.

Alumni Profile of David Levine, Class of 2016

David Levine ’16

Major (s): Government and Legal Studies

Minor: History

Location: Houston, Texas

Most memorable government and legal studies class: Constitutional Law with George Isaacson


What have you been up to since graduating from Bowdoin?

Right after Bowdoin, I took a gap year to get my law school applications done.  我当时正在准备法学院入学考试,然后我在宾夕法尼亚州的州长办公室实习, where I'm from. Then, I went to Stanford Law School, and after that and quarantine, I worked at a law firm called Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw. Currently, I'm finishing up the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals with Judge Carolyn King, and then I'm going to be going to Washington, DC to work for Wilmer Hale.

Why government and legal studies?

I came to Bowdoin thinking that the law was what I wanted to do, and a lot of that came from my grandmother. 她常驻马萨诸塞州,为在船上接触石棉的原告辩护. 她是发现石棉与癌症和石棉沉滞症之间联系的先驱之一. 听到她的故事,看到她如何运用法律来做出真正有益的改变,对我来说总是超级鼓舞人心, and so that was a big animating factor. I also appreciated that Bowdoin's department was one for government and 法律研究——我认为能够同时主修这两个专业,并真正了解法学院是什么样的,这真的很棒.

Alain Mathieu ’12

Alain Mathieu

Class of: 2012

Location: Boston, MA

I am an associate attorney at Mintz Levin, a large Boston-based law firm.

What is your current job and what do you do specifically?

I am an associate attorney at Mintz Levin, a large Boston-based law firm, 这个角色让我有机会和非常聪明的人一起做一些非常有趣的工作, talented, and wonderful people (including some great Bowdoin alumni). I am in the firms litigation section, 在那里,我处理涉及多个行业的公共和私营公司的各种事务.

我工作的另一个非常特别的地方是有机会通过我们强大的无偿服务来帮助人们. From the start of my time at the firm, 我已经能够把我的声音和我的技能借给那些在我们的法律体系和社会中没有被代表或被低估的人.

我刚从波士顿学院法学院毕业,在那里我度过了美好的三年. While at BC, I served as a teaching assistant in criminal law, a summer law clerk at a legal advocacy organization called Free Speech for People, a summer associate here at Mintz Levin, and a judicial intern for the Honorable Gregory C. Flynn in the Waltham District Court and District Court Appellate Division. 我也是不列颠哥伦比亚省招生委员会的成员和不列颠哥伦比亚省法律民主党的副主席.


我坚信买球平台大学的政府教授是全国最好的教授之一. At Bowdoin, I concentrated in American government, with an eye towards building a curriculum that would prepare me for law school. I took enough courses in the government department to have majored in it twice, 只是因为我真的很喜欢从买球平台教授的聪明头脑中学习. 特别是,我上了摩根教授和弗朗茨教授在那里教的每一节课. Some of my favorites included Law and Society, Constitutional Law, Campaigns and Elections, and Money and Politics. I also enjoyed working closely with Prof. Franz on an independent study during my junior year, and with Prof. Morgan on my honors project during my senior year. 此外,我还从Potholm、Springer、Martin和Yarborough教授那里学到了很多东西. Finally, arguably the best part of the government department is its gem, Lynne Atkinson, who is a great friend and pleasure to spend time around. I don’t know if I would have made it to graduation without her!

What advice would you have for current Gov majors in thinking about life after Bowdoin?

我对当前政府专业(以及所有买球平台的学生)最大的建议是参与, and lean on, Bowdoin’s vast alumni network. The Bowdoin community is a special one, 毫无疑问,你会发现买球平台的校友非常愿意为你提供建议, internship/job opportunities, etc. Bowdoin alumni have played a huge role in my career growth; Joe Curtin ’84 and Emmett Lyne ’86 have both been instrumental mentors for me, and were a big part of my decision to move to (and stay in) Boston to practice law. 此外,与买球平台的教授和职业规划办公室建立良好的关系.